Most Beautiful Bride..

Most beautiful Bride... ini kata2 yang diucapkan ama temen gue, cicinya baru married hari sabtu kemaren tgl 8 Oct 2005 (tanggal bagus tuh) gue gak dateng sih ke pernikahannya, tapi dia bilang kalo her sister is the most beautiful bride ever... well jadi kepikir aja sih masa iyah? he he he.. bukannya meragukan cuman ngebayangin aja seperti apa yah yg kita bisa bilang " the most beautiful bride..." pengenya sih someday ada orang yg bisa bilang " well U're a very lucky guy, u got the most beautiful bride ever..." hua ha ha....
Mimpi di siang bolong ih, anyway... banyak nice comment dari beberapa sumber yg bisa dipercaya sih soal partynya. Although I wasn't there but atleast I can feel bit of their happiness trough the stories I heard.
Starting this week... satu minggu lagi berlalu... still I'm here on the same spot, doing the same job, meeting same person, same computer on my desk... oh ya hari ini gue pindah meja, soalnya ada temen yg resign itu kayaknya mejanya lebih strategis dikit dari meja gue sebelomnya, sekarang udah gak duduk disebelah jendela lagi tapi ampir ditengah ruangan... better view of the office daily works, bocen liatin pohon mulu pengen cari yg laen..
Boredome of life....
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