Thank God it's Monday...

Good Morning Sunshine... Thank God it's Monday..
Karena gue off hari senen dan selasa... so gak salah donk Thank God it's Monday...
Pagi ini mau ngapain yach? Bentar mo pulang ke rumah, jem 8.. abis nightshift di kantor..
Siang janji mau nomat ama dd gue... udah dari 2 minggu yg lalu dia bilang mau nomat ama gue.. cuman filmnya baru masuk di Serpong.. (Gue kalo senen / selasa suka ke serpong, menjauh dari keramaian kota).
Lagi suka denger lagu Take all of me dari hillsong nih... Take all of me God....
Take All Of Me
Hillsong United
You broke the night like the sun
And healed my heart with Your great love
Any trouble I couldn't bear
You lifted me upon Your shoulders
Love that's stronger
Love that covers sin
And takes the weight of the world
I love You
All of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
Take all of me
You stand on mountain tops with me
With You i walk through the valleys
You gave Your only Son for me
Your grace is all I rely on
I love You so, and I give up my heart to say
I need You so, my everything
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