Thursday, February 23, 2006

I'm happy as you are..

I've just reading my ex-gf blog, it's kinda funny she's telling her experience boarding trans-Jakarta to her office. Well it's just like yesterday we've been together, but acctualy it's almost 7 years been passed since we've broke up.

By reading her blog, I know she had a wonderful life... I remembered the time that I had to let her go, it's been like hell and feel like she wont survive without me... for a month I think I've made a biggest mistake of my life by letting her go, and someday I will regret it. But then again now I think I was totally wrong about that. She's now with her Guy, the one she love and love her... she got a nice job, and just finnished her Master degree (my junior on Binus Master Class)

so all I can say is I'm happy as you are... ^_^

PS : Cinta tidak harus memiliki, ketika kita melihat bahwa orang yg kita cintai dapat lebih bahagia jika tidak bersama kita, maka saat itu lah kita harus melepaskan dia dari genggaman... Kita harus percaya bahwa kekuatan cinta yang akan membuatnya tetap bertahan lewati hari2nya... Walau pada mulanya akan sangat menyakitkan, tetapi gak ada yg kita bisa lakukan untuk menghentikan rasa sakitnya, hanya sang waktu yang mampu menyembuhkannya... ya ... hanya sang waktu...

Dulu aku gak pernah ngerti maksud dari kalimat itu, tapi ternyata waktu telah benar2 membuktikannya... JBU !!


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