Friday, February 24, 2006

Ketika Tuhan berkata lain...

Ketika Tuhan berkata lain... Pagi ini gue dapet kabar kalo kemaren malem salah satu temen gue, 1 angkatan kelas MM SI sudah tiada, tabrak lari di daerah Batu tulis... 28 years quite handsome and cute guy, orangnya baik dan rendah hati padahal pinter banget deh... waktu lulus Cummlaude S1 & S2 (Wow), udah jadi team leader di tempat kerjanya, dan denger2 udah siap married bulan juni 2006 ini.. wah.... kalo gue jadi ceweqnya, entah jadi apa deh.. Bisa dapet cowoq kayak dia... belon tentu ada 1 dari 1 juta deh.

Ketika Tuhan berkata lain... ketika segala sesuatu bisa dibilang "pasti" alias 99.99% kemungkinannya di mata manusia, tapi hanya dengan kemungkinan 0.01% ini Tuhan bisa berbuat sebaliknya... semudah membalikkan tangan-Nya.

Sungguh di hadapanNya manusia ini hanya setitik debu, sekuat apapun, sehebat apapun, sepinter apapun... ketika waktunya Dia memanggil, tak ada satu apapun di alam semesta ini yg dapat mencegahnya.

Semoga John bisa beristirahat dengan tenang disisi Mu ya Tuhan.... Amin.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I'm happy as you are..

I've just reading my ex-gf blog, it's kinda funny she's telling her experience boarding trans-Jakarta to her office. Well it's just like yesterday we've been together, but acctualy it's almost 7 years been passed since we've broke up.

By reading her blog, I know she had a wonderful life... I remembered the time that I had to let her go, it's been like hell and feel like she wont survive without me... for a month I think I've made a biggest mistake of my life by letting her go, and someday I will regret it. But then again now I think I was totally wrong about that. She's now with her Guy, the one she love and love her... she got a nice job, and just finnished her Master degree (my junior on Binus Master Class)

so all I can say is I'm happy as you are... ^_^

PS : Cinta tidak harus memiliki, ketika kita melihat bahwa orang yg kita cintai dapat lebih bahagia jika tidak bersama kita, maka saat itu lah kita harus melepaskan dia dari genggaman... Kita harus percaya bahwa kekuatan cinta yang akan membuatnya tetap bertahan lewati hari2nya... Walau pada mulanya akan sangat menyakitkan, tetapi gak ada yg kita bisa lakukan untuk menghentikan rasa sakitnya, hanya sang waktu yang mampu menyembuhkannya... ya ... hanya sang waktu...

Dulu aku gak pernah ngerti maksud dari kalimat itu, tapi ternyata waktu telah benar2 membuktikannya... JBU !!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

My Valentine Presents..

Valentine Blueberry Cheeze Cake from My Love.
Card and Gift from my Lovely Sister.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Jurus2 Rayuan gaya baru... (Thanks Jul)

Gombal yg kreatif :P~
raybal (rayuan guombal)........

cowo: Mbak, bapaknya ahli perbintangan ya??
Cewe: Ah.. tidak, memang kenapa??
cowo: Saya lihat bintang dimata mbak...

cowo: Maaf mba, jangan terlalu lama duduk dikursi itu, pindah dideket saya saja
Cewe: Loh?? kenapa??
Cowo: Takut dikerubung semut.. soalnya mba
manis.. :D

Cowo: "Mbak punya obeng nggak?"
Cewe: "Hah? Gak Punya tuh."
Cowo: "Tapi kalo nomor telepon punya,kan?"

Dari bule sono:

M: "Are you an Interior Decorator?"
W: "No. Why?"
M: "When I saw you enter, the room became beautiful"

M: "Are you religious?"
W: "Yes "
M: "Good, because I'm the answer to your prayers."

M: "Baby, did you fart, Cause you blow me away..."

M: "How is your fever?"
W: "What Fever?"
M: "Oh.. you just look so hot to me..."

M: "Wow! I didn't know that angels could fly so

M: "Can I get a picture of you to prove to my
friends that angels do
really exist."

M: "Wow! How did you do that???!!!"
W: "Do what?"
M: "Look so good..."

M: "Hey, I lost my phone number.. can I have

M: "Hey Laura!! (Big Hug), I haven't seen you
Wow, you've really have changed!!!
W: "Wait, I'm not Laura.."
M: "What? Oh my god, You even changed your name!!!

Cowo: "Sayang, kamu itu seperti sendok..."
Cewe: "Kenapa?"
Cowo: "Karena kamu ngaduk-ngaduk perasaan aku..."

boy: does it hurt?
girl: what?
boy: falling from heaven..

atau bisa juga

boy: aren't you tired?
girl: what?
boy: running around in my mind..

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Be My Lady... (My Fave song of the month) ^_^

Be My Lady

Artist: Sandy

Since I've known you babe
You were a light for me
But theres no yours sincerely
Build me a world to believe

But still theres a doubt
in you for loving me
Though deep down inside
You see whats in me

Be my lady be the one
and great things will come to our heart
you're my lady you're my one
give me chance to show you love

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Beatiful sunset on my office window..

P.S. This photo is dedicated for an angel who enjoy looking at sunset with a cup of tea / coffee on her hand.

Friday, February 10, 2006

H - 4 before Valentine Day !!

Wah gak kerasa yah udah H-4 before Valentine, setiap ketemu temen pasti nanyain deh.. Valentine day ini mau ngapain yah ? ada rencana apa ? mau kasih apa ke yayank? Waduh... kalo udah gitu gue cuman bisa bilang "Well for me, everyday is Valentine"... stay cool aja. Walau kenyataannya gak bisa gitu juga yah, kaum hawa ini tetep *kekeuh* kalo hari Valentine ini adalah hari yg special, dan kudu musti harus dirayakan dengan acara yg special juga. Nah kalo udah gini tinggal kaum adam yg kelimpungan deh mikirinnya...

Iya gak yah? atau cuman gue doank yg kelimpungan mikirinnya.... ah stay cool aja deh. :-p hehehe.